Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has his electoral campaign in Uttar Pradesh while the return to society joint mantra. Congress, BSP and SP, and to target a trio of vote bank politics forever buried for the BJP's Uttar Pradesh 57. MP Lok Sabha elections he claims to win freedom after the second great war.
The fear of secularism by intervening politics vote answering formula, MODI suggested the way to run with everyone. good for the nation's progress, MODI, a Hindu, told to be good Muslims and good Christian. Government priorities the Government of he said ginain. only one religion-nation ' furniture ' ethnic and religious politics of rsta vigilant dhuvrikran MODI rammandir and fewer on issues like communal riots. unhonnen all And with all of the development plight and the State of law and order. taking questions on the promotion and protection of Gujarat, he cited.
In the series of nine rallies proposed in Uttar Pradesh, the first rally on Saturday despite the scorching sun, the mammoth crowds thronging crowds bhajpaiyon the meantime MODI also relaxed a. nearly 50 minutes until Center and lashed on the Uttar Pradesh Government Prime Minister, Sonia and Rahul Gandhi of the hundred. day when da low, corruption, poverty and safety issues, he asked the question. a central Government for mistakes SP, The BSP also equal gunahgar. Modi had to say-"the country and the State's rebound to Congress, SP, BSP's trio, MODI." Eclipse of Kanpur waging battle from the revolutionary defeats of Su's declare. Congress free India, MODI slogan repeating jokes from poor food safety legislation points out that children carrying small amounts of food not so long.
Earlier national President rajnath Singh, Samajwadi Party Agreement with Gujarat riot models reported by the Uttar Pradesh development needs while former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh MODI told the country needs.
The lion, lion came to the stage with slogans of Narendra Modi handled his voice even when Mike was the roar of the crowd chanted while rally. so many compliments, but it did not see the human sea. well as Kanpur I. scorching sun that it's looking to ocean male mundonWho here wouldn't waste his penance crowd. Kanpur has won the rally of me.
The fear of secularism by intervening politics vote answering formula, MODI suggested the way to run with everyone. good for the nation's progress, MODI, a Hindu, told to be good Muslims and good Christian. Government priorities the Government of he said ginain. only one religion-nation ' furniture ' ethnic and religious politics of rsta vigilant dhuvrikran MODI rammandir and fewer on issues like communal riots. unhonnen all And with all of the development plight and the State of law and order. taking questions on the promotion and protection of Gujarat, he cited.
In the series of nine rallies proposed in Uttar Pradesh, the first rally on Saturday despite the scorching sun, the mammoth crowds thronging crowds bhajpaiyon the meantime MODI also relaxed a. nearly 50 minutes until Center and lashed on the Uttar Pradesh Government Prime Minister, Sonia and Rahul Gandhi of the hundred. day when da low, corruption, poverty and safety issues, he asked the question. a central Government for mistakes SP, The BSP also equal gunahgar. Modi had to say-"the country and the State's rebound to Congress, SP, BSP's trio, MODI." Eclipse of Kanpur waging battle from the revolutionary defeats of Su's declare. Congress free India, MODI slogan repeating jokes from poor food safety legislation points out that children carrying small amounts of food not so long.
Earlier national President rajnath Singh, Samajwadi Party Agreement with Gujarat riot models reported by the Uttar Pradesh development needs while former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh MODI told the country needs.
The lion, lion came to the stage with slogans of Narendra Modi handled his voice even when Mike was the roar of the crowd chanted while rally. so many compliments, but it did not see the human sea. well as Kanpur I. scorching sun that it's looking to ocean male mundonWho here wouldn't waste his penance crowd. Kanpur has won the rally of me.