To stop unwanted calls and SMS on the Telecom regulator Trai has released battle it constantly now under regulatory, call and SMS users and companies to close the connection immediately.
Trai Member RK Arnold said the unwanted calls and SMS customer names and addresses will be blacklist. after closing the connection these customers over the next two years will be provided by a resource available to Telecom commercial communications customer Trai. preference regyuleshans in 2013. it has to be applied with immediate effect by Telecom operators to meet legitimate regulatory complaint. such numbers directed to stop immediately . Arnold said that mobile carriers are the same time a customer complaint investigation began.
Trai said that non-registered telimarketron to strengthen the mechanism process steps. many people personally to broadcast commercial messages too. after a change in the rules will be cut off the connection of people. in addition, the Telecom regulator commercial customer preference regyuleshan 2010 also modify transactional SMS SMS charging five cents per transaction from a June decision. Apply. so far only promshanal messages on this charge by a change in the rules. tarmineshnal SMS SMS tarmineshan two cents per charge. this amendment will be effective from a June. Arnold said the new rules will be able to find all operators having equal opportunity. as well as the interest of the clients also safe.
Trai Member RK Arnold said the unwanted calls and SMS customer names and addresses will be blacklist. after closing the connection these customers over the next two years will be provided by a resource available to Telecom commercial communications customer Trai. preference regyuleshans in 2013. it has to be applied with immediate effect by Telecom operators to meet legitimate regulatory complaint. such numbers directed to stop immediately . Arnold said that mobile carriers are the same time a customer complaint investigation began.
Trai said that non-registered telimarketron to strengthen the mechanism process steps. many people personally to broadcast commercial messages too. after a change in the rules will be cut off the connection of people. in addition, the Telecom regulator commercial customer preference regyuleshan 2010 also modify transactional SMS SMS charging five cents per transaction from a June decision. Apply. so far only promshanal messages on this charge by a change in the rules. tarmineshnal SMS SMS tarmineshan two cents per charge. this amendment will be effective from a June. Arnold said the new rules will be able to find all operators having equal opportunity. as well as the interest of the clients also safe.